Together, we can transition from

Training Methods

To an efficient,

Performance-Focused Learning Strategy

And the journey could be easier than you think.

Reimagine People Development

My name’s Andy Lancaster, a performance consultant who has led Learning and Development for over 30 years. In that time I’ve worked with global organisations, charities and L&D leaders to solve their most complex issues, move to a performance-based strategy while cutting costs, and create lasting, business-impacting change.

People development is my passion and through my work I have seen the positive transformational change that occurs when organisations create a culture of continuous learning and performance support for their employees. Implementing a performance based strategy might seem like a mountain to climb, but trust me to guide you to the summit – the view from from the top is always worth it!

Reimagining People Development

“What practitioners and leaders will appreciate is that Andy isn’t advocating throwing the baby out with the bathwater but shows us how to build on our established skillsets; develop in new and emerging areas; and set our sights on truly impacting performance.”

David James, Chief Learning Officer, 360Learning


Seven ways that we can work together


The Art Of The Possible

Sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes on your situation; someone to provide a different perspective. Invest an hour with me exploring innovative people development possibilities tailored to your unique context.


Performance Consulting

Impactful people development solutions involve diagnosing organisational needs, identifying opportunities, defining causal factors and describing the future state. I can enable you to harness the power of performance consulting.


Strategy and Culture

Together we can transform your organisational learning strategy, nurturing a dynamic culture of learning, with engagement in development and growth at every level. We can unlock the potential of your people managers – the essential catalysts in thriving learning ecosystems.


Mentoring And Coaching

As a qualified coach-mentor I can come alongside you or your learning team to facilitate reflection, explore options, unlock potential, cultivate skills, boost confidence, navigate challenges and foster your growth. Book some transformational sessions today.


Learning Communities

Social learning communities bring transformative and under-utilised development opportunities. Leveraging insights from my leading book, ‘Organizational Learning Communities,’ I can guide you to implement effective strategies in your own context.


New Approaches For New Times

Transitioning to performance-based learning demands a systemic shift from traditional methods. We can apply insights from my award-winning book ‘Driving Performance Through Learning’ to integrate learning in the flow of work and moment of need.


Speaking And Workshops

As a trusted thinker, commentator and inspirational speaker I make the complex understandable and actionable. I have a track record in delivering impactful, insightful conference presentations and in designing and facilitating engaging workshops.
Reimagine People Development with Andy Lancaster

Let's work together

Contact me using this form, or message me on LinkedIn, and we can set up a time to discuss your learning and development opportunities or challenges.

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Discover my Books

Driving Performance Through Learning by Andy Lancaster - Reimagine People Development
“In a world of fast-changing work landscapes where traditional roles of organizational design need to shift, Andy shows how L&D can strategically align and integrate learning into work to drive performance.”

Mark Reilly, Head of Learning Content Design, Global Learning and Development, McDonald’s Global Franchising Ltd.

Organizational Learning Communities by Andy Lancaster - Reimagine People Development
“A must for any future-focused L&D professional. The book delivers a hands-on experience that keeps you coming back for more. It’s a critical text for learning professionals serious about creating meaningful and long-lasting impact.”

Gavin McQuillan, Head of Learning and Development, RBS



Reimagining People Development